
Cyprus Shelf Company – Ready Made Company

What is a Cyprus Shelf Company?

Cyprus Shelf Company – Ready Made Company :   A Cyprus Shelf Company is a private limited liability company. It is a Ready Made Company. As such we incorporate it and stash it on a shelf waiting there for a prospective investor to buy it.
A Cyprus Shelf Company is a non-active i.e. dormant company. So it has never traded or entered into any deal whatsoever. It therefore has no tax liabilities or vat tax to pay. It is a clean company in every sense.

Bank Account

We have never opened a bank account for the Cyprus Shelf Company. It has done no banking at all. It is a clean, virgin company with no assets or liabilities. A Bank account of course can be opened for it.  In a few days after you purchase it.

VAT Number

A Cyprus Shelf or Ready Made Company has not registered with the Vat Authority. With no Vat registration number it cannot carry out any trading. It does not have any defaults with the Vat Authority or any Vat Tax to pay. Such Vat registration number we can get for you if you buy a Cyprus Shelf company in 48 hours. An EU vat number.

Does a Cyprus Shelf Company – Ready Made Company have a Director/Shareholder?

Yes, at the time of your Cyprus Company Registration, you must appoint a Director. And declare him to the Cyprus Company Registrar. You can also use a Nominee Director. Such Director is always a person or legal entity from our Office. This legal entity also has a person from our Office as Director. This person is a highly experienced and educated person and absolutely trustworthy. This person is of good standing. Without any criminal convictions, not in bankruptcy and does not have any health or other issues. You can change the Director if you like in a few days.

The Shareholder

The Shelf company also has a Shareholder appointed at the time of the company registration. So you have to declare him to the Registrar. The Shareholder is the owner of the shares of the company. So hes is therefore the Owner of the company. He is also called the Real Owner or the Ultimate Beneficial Owner. Again you can appoint a Nominee Shareholder if you like. The Nominee Shareholder is also a person or a legal entity from our Office. This legal entity too has as Director a person form our Office. Of the same qualifications as above. For changing the Shareholder a new Owner must be appointed who will get the shares in his name.

The Secretary

Lastly you must use a Secretary for your Cyprus Shelf Company (Ready-Made Company).  You can appoint such Secretary at the time of its registration. The Company Law, Cap 113 required this! The Secretary too can be a person or legal entity depending on the needs of the client and of the same as above qualifications. You can change the Secretary too if you like is a few days.

A full set of incorporation documents in English and Appostiled is there,  in a company kit. It is waiting for you to make it yours and begin your operations in 24 hours. The company kit can be sent to you by courier. You will have it at your office door in 48 hours!

Cyprus Shelf Company – Ready Made Company :   What Are My Benefits if I Buy a Shelf Company?

Cyprus Shelf Company – Ready Made Company :   There are many good reasons why you should prefer to buy a shelf company for your operations. Some of them are quite serious in substance some of them are administrative or just for convenience. Some of the top reasons seasoned enterpreneurs like the idea of using a Cyprus Shelf Company – Ready Made Company  are the following:

1. One of the top reasons for buying a Cyprus Shelf company is because you need to sign a retrospectively dated agreement. This offers you a huge advantage when this particular need arises.

2. The second reason is that you need to sign a contract in a matter of hours or you will lose the deal. By buying a ready- made shelf company you can sign immediately that deal and you can make changes to the company later as desired.

3. The third reason is a matter of prestige. There are old or aged ready-made shelf companies which can be of many years standing. By using such a company your clients, your associates, you Bankers etc. will more readily trust a company which `has been on the market` for a few years than a newly incorporated company.

4. Speed is also a considerable advantage when buying a shelf company. As soon as you buy the company a Vat Registration Number can be obtained in 48 hours, so a pending sale can be secured and not lost.

5. Also a Bank Account can be opened for a Shelf company faster than for a new one waiting to be incorporated. So in a few days a bank account can be ready to accept money or make payments to providers.

For More Reading

If you need to see and read some information on the Cyprus Company Registration generally and educate yourself on the procedures, the costs, the time frames, the formalities etc. follow this link: Cyprus Company Registration.

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